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Activity Filters

Filters help you navigate through your activities more easily and efficiently. Read how.

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Written by MUA
Updated over a year ago

Our Activity Widget is designed with integrated filter options to help you navigate through your activities with ease and efficiency. This article will guide you through each function and how to use them.

Firstly, you'll find our filters at the spot marked yellow.

  • All: This is the default setting that shows all your activities in chronological order.

  • Awaiting: This filter displays all activities awaiting your emotional reflection, i.e., selecting one of our three symbols.

  • Upcoming: This shows activities synced from your calendar but scheduled for a later time. For instance, if you arrive at the office at 8 am and sync MUA with your calendar, you'll likely see activities like client meetings scheduled for later in the day.

  • Untagged: This displays activities that might have an emotion attached but have not yet been assigned a tag.

Filters can significantly streamline your navigation through a large number of daily activities. For instance, you can use filters to reflect on activities first, and assign tags only at the end of the day. Experiment with these options and choose the workflow that best suits your needs.

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